
Rage Against the Zionist Machine

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Nothing happens by accident

Posted by Grumblingone on February 7, 2009

The average American citizen believes that the future of mankind is undetermined, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. This will come as a shock to some, but many understand this to be the case.

Mankind, animals, plants and minerals have all been under the direction of certain groups and individuals since as far back into our history as can be seen. Some direction has been benevolent and some has not, but it has all been directed with an agenda or plan in mind. This is no secret, it’s just that most folks have trouble getting their minds around it and accepting it as fact-o-rama. Just as agendas for good or bad have brought us to where we are today, agendas will take us to where we are going tomorrow.

Most people live life without a plan even though huge mountains of information and data has been published about plans, planning, execution of said plan, etc.
I’m sure many people who read this are not as successful as they hoped or wanted to be. Did they have a plan? Did they follow it? Did they adapt it as you went along? For the vast majority of people, barring lotteries and inheritances, if they didn’t have a plan they probably didn’t achieve success in some area that gave them satisfaction.
Life is not black and white of course, sometimes goals are unachievable in which case one should modify the plan, change direction, or even give up and set a new goal. It all depends…
In many cases a person will let life take them wherever is easiest, this includes corporate executives and the regular working Joe. It’s easier to lie to sell a product and it’s easier to listen to the lie than do without the desired product because it’s not in our best interest.

It is unfortunate that most people are so easily distracted by the flashes and noises of corporate propaganda. It pains me to see so many ignore logic for fanciful tales and empty promises. It is sad that the majority of people basically prove that they need direction despite their complaints against it.

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